At the Powder Keg we strive to build a team that is standout in the industry. Trust is at the forefront of everything that we do. Trust is a combination of competence and the highest ethics; even if your best friend is a doctor you will not go to him unless he is competent as a doctor.

Our team practices the values of freedom to act, teamwork, passion to win and ethical behaviour. At the Powder Keg we are acutely aware of the importance of people to our business. We believe that good people are our best asset (bad people the biggest liability), hence we will continue to invest in our team.

In summary

Our team is diverse, yet we all share common values. If we were all the same then there would be need for only one of us. The Powder Keg will stay lean while the business adds revenue streams that offset the seasonality of the hunting industry. The leadership of The Powder Keg recognises the impact that they have on the behaviour of others; we lead by example, setting the standard vs. the policy. We recognise at The Powder Keg that our worth is the collective capacity of our team to create value. We focus on the “soft” issues of our business – our people, our team.