The Powder Keg (TPK) launched it’s new website 6 months back and it’s Facebook page about 4 months back. We cannot be the best in such a short time, but what is important is that we are better today than we were yesterday.

Family of elephants marching through savannah at dusk with glorious view of sunbeams breaking through impressive cloudscape

The new generation that have grown up with social media, in my opinion, do not have the patience to read more than a few lines of a posting on Facebook. I wanted to check myself, to see if our messages were being heard. Nina, daughter of a great family in Slovenia has often “liked” the TPK Facebook posts, hence I decided to ask her to articulate in 3 schematics what she believed were the main messages we delivered.

Nina’s first observation was that the team of The Powder Keg practice abundant thinking, she likens this with “out of the box thinking”. In her words “you always considering to do something that others do not do”.


Nina is a lover of animals and when she was younger I had to tell her that we only hunted animals that were sick. Older, and with a more balanced and realistic approach to life, she is now a believer that responsible hunting is important to conservation. Many species would be extinct if they had no commercial value and if proceeds from hunting was not available for conservation.

Her second observation was that The Powder Keg focuses on shooting products that improve shooting results.  Her pictorial of this was a target with shots in the zone (below). Customer value should be measured in the field.


I did ask Nina to describe what words she thought best described the TPK culture and business way because research has shown that customers get to learn and understand the culture of a business from Facebook postings and blogs.

Nina’s last of the 3 pictorials to describe The Powder Keg are depicted in the photo below. Likely she was influenced by her overhearing many business calls and her deeper understanding of my personality; hence this outcome may not to be the influence of her reading only.


A lesson I learned in this process was that Nina made no reference to customers.  The Powder Keg lives “customers first, always” but we need to align our messages to ensure that we are being heard. We only exist because of our customers, without orders we close shop. My takeaway, The Powder Keg must become more customer eccentric in words and in actions.

Demi shooting with Dave Hurr